We thank all of our Advertisers for their continued support and hope you join them today!
Monthly Ad Rates:
1/8 page (business card) $15
1/4 page $30
1/2 page $60
full page $120
Annual Ad Rates:
Pricing include pre-payment discount: buy 10 ads and get 2 free!
1/8 page (business card) $150
1/4 page $300
1/2 page $600
full page $1,200
Ad copy can be changed as often as you like. Design support is available; please inquire.
Ad Sizes:
1/8 page (business card) = 3.625″ wide x 2.25″ tall
1/4 page = 3.625″ wide x 4.75″ tall
1/2 page = 7.5″ wide x 4.75″ tall
full page with white border = 7.5″ wide x 9.75″ tall
full page with full bleed = 8.75″ wide x 11.25″ tall
Copy deadline for advertisements is the 15th of the month prior to the publication.
Please submit all ads as black and white pdf files with images at least 300 dpi.
What about color? Other than the cover and back page, which have no ads, we are only able to print two pages in color, the inside of the front and back covers. We prefer to reserve these pages for editorial material and announcements of major events at the discretion of the editors.
Advertising inquiries should be directed to Vicki Grayson at (413) 232-6131 or vicki.grayson@rocketmail.com